Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Gear More Pics

The Gear is Here...The pups are loving the new harnesses. Snoopy's is a bit small and I will be reordering his. I think he's either grown since we ordered it, or his scrunched up fear stance affected the reliability of my measurements! Pepper's fits great and hangs off her hips just right. I've got the primo set up now, with a bungee fortified tow line and my own two dog tow arrangement. Rather than the double dog line sold by the pros, which was much too long, I like to use a two dog leash unit with a spinning mid weight clip in between the caribeener and the two leash section, to keep the lines from twisting as they change sides many times throughout each ride. This, due to the fact we are not using a neck line. As a team we decided it wasn't worth it. The two leash portion is short, so it doesn't allow them to stray that much from each other anyway and they they are free to switch sides with virtually no tangles. I also really prefer having them closer than 8'. All the pro set-ups put the dogs out about 13'-15', which might be good for wide open trails, or skijoring. I attach the line to the bike t-post with a wide but small nylon collar through the end of the line and around the center of the t-post (my fave), or simply slip the line through itself, around the t-post, as pictured in the photos below. I've got some great videos to share, but am having some difficulty downloading them. Picture Project refuses to recognize them, so they are helplessly trapped in my camera. I read a great book, Ski Spot Run . I have a good review of it, and tons of fun and funny bikejor info to share. Stay tuned, and Keep Riding~!~
P.S.. I ditched the black background in this blog template, as the winter itself is too dark and gray. Besides, gold is my favorite color right now, easier on the eyes too, no?

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