Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Interesting Blog about Mushing History event that happened in AK in the fall of '09...better late than never?
Fur Rondy Official Site. Tons of activities surrounding this annual Dog Sled Race with a purse.
Mushing TV newly launched and a great place to hang out and vicariously enjoy this radical lifestyle. It features GREAT videos and up close and personal interviews with some of the greats in the sport.

Go Mush offers cool musher profiles, current RACE updates, great collection of links and pretty good classified ads and awesome photo gallery.

Coming soon? Every good Iditarod vacation u could ever want....

1 comment:

Walkydog said...

The mushing tv looks good - I've just got isat link tv, so will try to get it, thanks.

WalkyDog Bike Leash